goingthruthemotions: Have you looked up the defination of a narcissist? This is what your wife sounds like. They have no feelings. They only care for themselves and what they can get off other people. Hurting people, getting the "better" of them makes them happy. It sounds warped to us if we are normal but being warped is their normal.
Have you heard of narcissistic supply? Many narcissists marry nice normal people in order to have a ready supply at their finger tips to put supposed loved ones "down". They enjoy hurting you, be it by hitting you, swearing at you, belittling you, laughing at you, no encouragement, with holding sex, putting you in dire financial stress. They don't care what they do to you and they do not apologize. If they apologize it is merely words in the air to make you stay. It is not wholehearted at all and they do not quit, they continue their bad behavior to intentionally hurt.
I am sorry you have a wife like this. May I ask, why do you stay? Many times victims of narcissists state that they were in a Stockholm Syndrome situation. They are brainwashed to believe they cannot make it on their own if they leave, so unfortunately many stay.